National Plan for Vacation Day: Galveston Getaway

Unused vacation days? Is that even possible? According to the U.S. Travel Association, it is. More than half of American workers (55%) are leaving vacation time on the table at the end of the year. That amounts to a total of 768 million unused vacation days. Y’all, that’s 768 million lost opportunities for Americans to relax, reconnect and recharge with the people that matter most. It’s time to reverse the trend and get back to using vacation days for vacation. 

So, what’s the key to taking more of those breezy, beach lovin’ getaways? The answer is simpler than you might think. Planning. 

Research tells us that Americans who plan their vacation time are more likely to use it to travel (76% for planners vs. 50% for non-planners). But the problem is nearly half of American households (46%) aren’t blocking time off on their calendars. We get it here at BeachBox. Life is busy. That’s why we’re joining with the U.S. Travel Association and destinations across the country on National Plan for Vacation Day and encouraging guests to commit their time off for the rest of the year at the start of the year. 

Why you should plan your year’s travel

With 365 days in a year, what’s the rush to get all of your vacations booked? Two words: life happens. 

Think back. How many of you wanted to take that much-anticipated vacation last year, but just didn’t get around to it? You took stock of your bucket list, searched travel deals and maybe even put a few tentative dates on the calendar. But before you knew it, sports practices filled evenings, school homework piled up and that unexpected work project took over your weekends. Days turned into months and, suddenly, you were in December and still hadn’t booked that vacation. By planning in advance, you can avoid this scenario. You won’t regret blocking out your Galveston getaway before time slips by! 

Think you’ll still get around to that vacation if you don’t sit down and schedule out how you’ll put your PTO to good use? The odds aren’t in your favor. The U.S. Travel Association found only 36% of non-planners had taken a vacation in the last six months. What’s more, nearly one quarter of non-planners had not taken a vacation or trip in the last two years! 

A little inspiration to get you planning

If we’ve convinced you to set the day aside and put your vacation time in play, but you’re in need of some Texas vacay ideas, check out our BeachBox insiders’ guide to Galveston.  

Whether you’re looking for a long weekend, girls’ getaway or family trip, Galveston Island is up to the task. The barrier island on the Texas Gulf Coast is the closest source of saltwater for southeast Texans. And, only a mere hour from Houston, it’s easy to get to. It also doesn’t hurt that the reward for your effort is some of the most spectacular ocean views in the region. One best example of our Galveston homes is Las Palomas (pictured above) — a 13 acre estate that features a private pool, fishing pond, two outdoor fire pits, a huge game room, billiards room, chefs kitchen, and 14ft ceilings that make the space feel palatial!

Ready to celebrate with a Galveston getaway?

If you’re ready to book a stay in Galveston, explore our BeachBox vacation rental property openings. With over 30 plus properties to choose from, including houses in nearby Surfside and Kemah, we’re here to help you take and enjoy your precious PTO. You earned it after all!


BeachBox Guide to Making the Most of Your Galveston Vacation


Guide to the Best Fishing Spots in Galveston